研究方向:Algebraic geometry and related topicsm.
研究方向:Number theory and representation theory
研究方向:Representation theory
研究方向: 李理论;表示论;组合霍奇理论
Title: Deligne–Lusztig 簇上的主除子
Title: Representations
of p-adic groups
Title: Computations of homogeneous affine Springer fibers
Title: Induction and restriction formula of ´etale (φ, Γ)-modules
Title: Ribet section over moduli curves
Title: Height filtration of projective bundles over a curve
Title: Functional Equations of Local Density Polynomials
Title: 一个p进Riemann-Hilbert对应的问题
Title: (\varphi, \Gamma)-模与凝聚态数学
Title: Introduction to the local Langlands correspondence
Title:Homological conjectures and singularities in mixed
Title:From theta functions to conformal blocks and Verlinde formula
Title: 线性递归序列的零点及其相关问题
Title: p进霍奇理论及其应用
Title: 倾斜理论中补的存在性问题